alarm goes off-hit the snooze
alarm goes off again…drag still dead tired ass out of bed
coffee & a bit of facebook for a few measly minutes
blow nose
say bye to husband
get child up
dress child
blow nose
feed child
dress self
blow nose
pour a to-go coffee
coat child
coat self
buckle child in car
buckle self in car
drive child to school
blow nose at stop light
kiss hug & drop off child at school
drive home
get 3rd cup of coffee
blow nose
get more photos set to upload
eat bowl of cereal
blow nose
decide to do a DIY project
go to home depot
blow nose before going into store, blow it so violently throat almost comes out mouth
get awkwardly stared at by all the guys at home depot
make purchase
start project new hardware & refinish door knobs on all the doors in house
blow nose
powerdrill battery dies before starting third door (of 8)
start taking knobs off doors
blow nose
get ready to get child
buckle self in car
drive to school
pick up child
buckle child and self in car
drive back home
fix childs lunch
fix own lunch
eat own lunch
nap child
blow nose
sand all door knobs and plates and screws
prime all door knobs and plates and screws
get charged powerdrill
come upstairs to start hinges again
check child....she's awake
dress child
snack child
start another hinge
powerdrill craps out quickly
finish hinges manually with phillips---> fun times
blow nose
get email from new photography client
respond email to new photography client
spray knobs, etc with really crappy $8 metallic spray paint
wash up
blow nose
get another email from new client
attempt to respond to email
child gabbing in ear and won't leave distracting me from email
leave the email for later
start dinner
text hubby to get a red pepper on way home
he obliges
hubby arrives
"what's that smell?"
"crappy spray paint."
explain the DIY project
seems unimpressed and entirely indifferent
dinner complete
eat dinner
blow nose
serve child ice cream
clean kitchen dinner mess
hubby drops broom in kitchen-scares living bejeezes out of me
make ice
prep coffee maker
blow nose
return to office in peace to finish email
child comes in to show how good of a teeth brusher she is
child leaves
child comes in to say good night
kiss hug and love on child
child kisses hugs and loves on both cats
send child on way
start childs valentines cards for her school (homemade)
join husband in living room for shows
watch Grey's
watch Private Practice
bitch about having to still write blog entry
write blog entry
....will walk away from computer after this sentence and blow nose.